The purpose to catastrophizing

The Purpose to Catastrophizing

Those with anxiety know this. Any given experience will undo us; if only we could control it, we would be ok. What if there is a purpose to catastrophizing?

Are the mentally ill actually ill?

Are the mentally ill actually ill or do they carry the projected harm done to them?

Is your nervous system short circuiting?

I feel like I'm on the verge of overheating, fire, and explosion. I get this recurrent thought that I will forever be lost if I venture into this short circuit, like a death sentence or lifetime of insanity. I will explode if I feel this out.

Water as a resource to calm the fires inside of us, by Laura Rose.

Do you ever have moments when you feel like your insides are on fire? Water is the opposite of fire. I find using water as a resource soothes my body, mind, and brings me back down to feeling contained and grounded.