Working with attachment issues alone

It seems counterintuitive but often with trauma survivors, we don't have secure attachments to work with. How to work with them alone.

Dissociation – Split from Self

When I am in dissociation/splitting from Self, it feels like a switch in my brain; one keeps me grounded in my body and environment, and the other pulls me into a fog of fragmentations.

Core Dilemma – wanting to be you and wanting to belong

Do you feel the internal struggle of wanting to connect with others on a deep level but doing it in a way where you can be authentically yourself? Do you struggle with relationships where you feel you must be one or the other?

A matriarchal spring equinox sermon

The spring equinox is here. How about a matriarchal sermon to honour her? Mother Nature is returning from hibernation to re-bloom life onto the earth. Animals are coming out of their dens and soon will be mating. While women can give birth all year long, I like to use this time of year to honour our divinity of creation. I made this poem.